
5th preheator rotary kiln 800tpd ignition for China 2nd Big-gest Private Iron steel group

The 5th preheator rotary kiln 800tpd ignition for China 2nd Bigg-est Private Iron steel group--Jianlong

As China 2nd biggest private iron steel group, MER has cooperated from last several years; we supply blast furnace, oxided pelletization plant, HIsmelt (smelting reduction process for ironmaking) in rotary kiln and preheator rotary kiln also HIsmelt SRV (Smelting Reduction Vessel).  Now 5th rotary kiln with 800tpd was just ignition this week in Shanxi Province. Welcome for your visit.

5th preheator rotary kiln 800tpd ignition for China 2nd Biggest Private Iron steel group5th preheator rotary kiln 800tpd ignition for China 2nd Biggest Private Iron steel group