Congratulation!!! 7 sets of 1000tpd/1200tpd rotary kiln +3 sets of 600tpd twin shaft Pfr Kiln till May 2021
From Jan 1 to May 14, we signed EPC contracts of 5x1000tpd lime rotary kiln, 2x1200tpd lime rotary kiln (which will be China biggest even in the world) for domestic clients; 2x600tpd for foreign clients; in the same time, we we signed EPC contracts of 2x600tpd twin shaft Pfr Kiln, and E+key equipments of 1x200tpd twin shaft Pfr Kiln 10tph hydration for foreign clien.
Meanwhile, we signed many EPC contracts of De-sulpher plant and Denitration plant; also equipments supply contracts for pellet plant, Metal Magnesium plant, Ductile Iron Pipe plants and pressure vessels in home and abroad